Farmington FFA Alumni Tractor Drive

Saturday, June 28th, 2025 at 8:00am - 2pm

Starting at Boeckman Middle School and ending downtown on Spruce St

Event Description:

The Farmington FFA Alumni is hosting the 2nd annual tractor drive! Check in at 8:00am at Boeckman Middle School and engines fire and leave at 9:30. Tractors will end up back at 11am at the Farmington Library and Spruce St for a show for the community! The tractor show will be open to the public from 11am -2pm. 

This year, we are also hosting a food drive for the Farmington Food Shelf, so we ask all participants to bring a non perishable food item at check in. 

We will have donuts and coffee during registration at Boeckman,  and we will be cooking burgers as a thank you for to all the drivers after the drive. For more info and to register, contact Conner Eby at